Jing Self-Care app in Ottawa ON

All our patients receive a Home Health Enhancement Program (HEP) with the Jing Self-Care app in Ottawa ON. Our patients get a free and customized at-home Health Enhancement Program (HEP) program tailored to your individual needs. In addition to stretches and exercises and other therapies our practitioners prescribe for patients, we also offer the Jing Self-Care app to our patients with a program that can include acupressure points, self-massage, meditation, nutrition recommendations, and at-home Qigong exercises.
All our health professionals at the Advanced Wellness Centre believe it's important to help our patients make lasting improvements to their health. This often means taking some action both inside the treatment room - and outside of the treatment room.
We use the Jing Self-Care app here at Advanced Wellness Centre as a convenient way for our patients to do self-care work at home and on their phones in the form of videos, audio recordings, articles and even recipes. We can put together a bespoke plan for you based on your needs, diagnosis and your condition once you're a patient here.

self-care practices in Ottawa ON
We offer a comprehensive approach to health and wellbeing, including an array of self-care practices for our patients, including:
Self-Massage: Clear and engaging videos guide our patients through tuina self-massage routines for various common complaints including stiff neck, back pain, knee pain, and stress, for example.
Qigong: A series of beginner-level instructional videos aimed at helping our patients become more in tune with their body, their breath, and mental state.
Acupressure: Clear and simple videos showing your patients how to locate and stimulate over specific acupressure points. Plus, "Acupressure for Natural Pain Relief in Labour" for our pregnant patients.
Nutrition & Food: We provide a selection of delicious recipes and simple guides to Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutrition and Eating.
Meditation: Beginner and Simple meditations and breathing practices to help with stress and mind-body connection, and so many more benefits.
Our health professionals are committed to helping every patient improve their health and support their healthy lifestyle changes. Our at-home self-care app helps patients between their in-office appointments.
4:00pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
12:00pm - 3:00pm
Advanced Wellness Centre
200 Metcalfe St Main Floor
Ottawa, ON K2P 1P7

Please do not smoke within one hour of your appointment.

Please keep the air we share fragrance and scent-free.

Evenings after 5:30pm, Weekends & 3 Reserved Spots in front.