COVID-19 in Ottawa ON?

Worried about COVID-19 in Ottawa ON? Your health and safety is our top priority here at the Advanced Wellness Centre. We no longer ask if you are experiencing COVID symptoms or have been vaccinated, but you are welcome to share that information with us.
We do ask that if you have tested positive for COVID or have been in close contact with a COVID-positive person and you have symptoms, you call and cancel your appointment that morning or the evening before.
We are open for all services now, and we have updated all our office's disinfection and safety procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Ottawa ON.
Masks are now optional. Patients, health professionals, and staff may wear their masks in the office, but masks are now optional for everyone. If you would like to wear a mask, we have them available for you at the door. We have masks for you if you forget one.
Here are just a few things that were updated in March 2020 and continue now for everyone's safety:
- All staff will wear masks if they have any COVID-like symptoms. They may choose to wear face shields, gloves, aprons, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) during their time in the clinic. Hopefully, you can still see our smiles through the masks.
- All touch surfaces are cleaned multiple times a day in the common areas and in each room after each patient. We continue to clean tables between each patient.
- All our practitioners continue to wash their hands before, during, and after each patient.
- All cleaning products are hospital-grade disinfectants in accordance with the Ontario Ministry of Health cleaning guidelines.
- No more sheets. We are now only using paper single-use disposal sheets for acupuncture and physio. If you would like a blanket or sheets, our patients can bring their own.
- Gowns and towels and pillow covers continue to be single-use and washed after each patient use.
- Hand sanitizer and personal protective equipment (PPE) are available for staff and patients in each room.
- All washroom towels continue to be single-use with an option for paper towels, if you prefer. The washroom, the front desk, and the waiting area are always cleaned multiple times a day.
- All cups, guasha, and other acupressure tools are sterilized after each use in accordance with the CTCMPAO and MOH safety guidelines. Acupuncture needles continue to be single-use and disposed of in medical sharps containers.
- Our door handles, chairs, tables, desks, seats, flip-flops, and many other surfaces are disinfected and cleaned multiple times a day.
- We have removed our tea and coffee station and waiting room books because we cannot keep them safe and clean for all patients. We still have tea and are happy to give you some to make at home, but we can't sit and have tea with you at this time. Yes, we are disappointed too. 🙁
- We have set up our waiting room chairs apart to help with some social distancing. If two patients are waiting for a few minutes, they will be at a safer distance apart. We also have fewer waiting room chairs.
Lastly, we are seeing fewer patients in the clinic at the same time to ensure that patients do not come in close contact with other people during their visit and to give us time to clean between each patient visit. We've become really good at keeping people apart over the past few years.
As we learn more about COVID-19 and any new variants, these procedures may change without notice.
The Couples Acupressure Class has resumed and is now partly online at home, and partly in the office where couples are never close to another group. Our other classes are also now online or in-office.
You are welcome to call us or email us if you have further questions.
4:00pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
3:30pm - 6:00pm
11:00am - 2:00pm
12:00pm - 3:00pm
Advanced Wellness Centre
200 Metcalfe St Main Floor
Ottawa, ON K2P 1P7

Please do not smoke within one hour of your appointment.

Please keep the air we share fragrance and scent-free.

Evenings after 5:30pm, Weekends & 3 Reserved Spots in front.